Fall Refresher: Focusing on Welfare of Students, Colleagues

Fall Refresher: Focusing on Welfare of Students, Colleagues

It’s the dawn of another academic year, and faculty and staff across campus already are busily in the swing of a new semester.

With Creighton’s annual back-to-school traditions in full bloom and another record-setting freshman class now in the fold, it’s a fitting time to renew the focus on the welfare of Creighton students and colleagues – and an opportunity to remind campus about the University’s mandatory reporting policy.

All faculty and staff with supervisory or leadership responsibilities or responsibilities related to student welfare are required to report sexual misconduct, relationship misconduct, discriminatory harassment and/harassment to the University.

Reporting is easy. Creighton’s Office of Equity and Inclusion (OEI) oversees reports of sexual and relationship misconduct, and the office is just a phone call, email or web click away:

By phone: 402-280-3189

By email: oei@creighton.edu

Via the web: Click the “Online Reporting Form” button

If you become aware of an incident that falls under this policy, contact the OEI right away – there’s no need to notify anyone else or check with a supervisor. If you’re unsure whether a report is needed, talk to an OEI staff member for guidance.

Creighton University believes that each individual should be treated with respect and dignity, and that any form of harassment, discrimination, sexual and/or relationship misconduct is a violation of human dignity.

The OEI serves all members of the Creighton University community – students, staff and faculty. If you have experienced harassment, discrimination, sexual or relationship misconduct, the OEI can help.

New digs for the VIP Center

The University’s commitment to providing a safe environment for all is also embodied in Creighton’s Violence Intervention & Prevention (VIP) Center, which focuses on advocacy and violence prevention.

This fall, the VIP Center unveils its brand new home, located in lower Brandeis, B04.

The new space features a thoughtfully designed layout conducive to confidential discussions and respite for survivors, a dedicated programming area where the VIP team conceptualizes and implements campuswide awareness and action programming around power-based personal violence, and a Rise Room that utilizes the concept of a “soft room,” akin to a family room, where survivors can meet with their advocate, make police reports, do Title IX interviews and more.

The inviting colors, comfortable seating and handpicked décor, featured throughout the center’s new offices, are designed to present a safe, warm and welcoming environment.

The VIP Center is a confidential resource for Creighton students, faculty and staff and provides advocacy, information, resources and support in addition to programmatic efforts around violence prevention.

For anyone among the Creighton community who has experienced sexual violence, dating/domestic violence, stalking or harassment, the VIP Center provides confidential advocacy. This includes general support, information on rights under Title IX, information and assistance with reporting an incident to the University and/or police, information on counseling and medical services, and more.

The VIP Center is staffed with two full-time, campus-based advocates – Lauren Ward, associate director, and Meredith Lierk, assistant director – and a support team of seven student workers, representing an array of different academic disciplines.
