Malesker Collaborates on Research Publications

SPAHP_Malesker_MarkMark Malesker, PharmD, FCCP, FCCP, FCCM, FASHP, BCPS, professor of Pharmacy Practice and Medicine, recently collaborated on several publications. “Sepsis and the Obesity Paradox: Size Matter in More Than One Way,” Critical Medicine and a continuing education article in the Nebraska Mortar & Pestle, “Organ Donation: What Nebraska Pharmacists Should Know,” which featured various Creighton experts and faculty.

“Sepsis and the Obesity Paradox: Size Matters in More Than One Way” focused on multiple studies and how they have demonstrated an obesity paradox such that obese ICU patients have lower mortality and better outcomes. This study to determine if the mortality benefit conferred by obesity is affected by baseline serum lactate and mean arterial pressure.

“Organ Donation: What Nebraska Pharmacists Should Know,” reviewed national and local organ donation and transplant data to describe the etiology and pathophysiology of brain death and to evaluate the therapeutic purpose of common medications used in donor management.
