PT Students, Faculty Published

Faculty and students from the Physical Therapy department were published in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. The goal of their study was to determine the validity of a hand held dynamometer to measure quadriceps isometric strength metrics compared to isometric strength measures obtained on an isokinetic dynamometer. Their results suggest that it is possible to obtain valid measures of quadriceps peak torque and late rate of torque development using a hand held dynamometer. This study came as a result of the great collaboration between faculty and students in the department of Physical Therapy as well as Exercise Science.

Lesnak J, Anderson D, Farmer B, Katsavelis D, Grindstaff TL. Validity of hand-held dynamometry in measuring quadriceps strength and rate of torque development. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2019 Apr;14(2):180-187. (
