Galt Awarded Rural Pharmacy Program Grant

SPAHP_Galt_KimKimberly Galt, PharmD, PhD, FNAP, FASHP, professor in the Department of Pharmacy Sciences in the School of Pharmacy and Health Professions, principal scientist in the Center for Health Services Research and Patient Safety and secretary of the Nebraska Enhanced Services Pharmacies (NESP), with colleagues across the State of Nebraska from rural pharmacies was awarded the Flip the Pharmacy grant from the Community Pharmacy Foundation (CPF) as one of 20 Practice Transformation Teams chosen to participate in the first cohort of the multi-year program. Flip the Pharmacy aims to transform community-based pharmacies away from point-in-time, prescription-level care processes and business models to longitudinal and patient-level care processes and business models through the use of hands on coaching. Practice Transformation Teams will act as implementation arms for locally-based community pharmacy practice transformation efforts. CPESN® USA has partnered with CPF to serve as the Coordinating Center for Flip the Pharmacy. Learn more here.
