IRHG Wins Big at Regional Conference

SmallThe Inter Residence Hall Government of Creighton University was awarded the Midwest Affiliate of the National Associate of College & University Residence Halls (MACURH) Building Block of the Year Award and President of the Year Award.

At the Regional Business Conference in Pittsburg, Kansas, the MACURH President’s Boardroom discussed and selected Creighton IRHG for the Residence Hall Association (RHA) Building Block of the Year Award. The RHA Building Block Award is designed to recognize an RHA organization that has made significant steps in the development of their RHA and to honor the RHA who displays tremendous effort and improvement in their residence hall environment from the previous academic year to the present.

The boardroom applauded many of the changes that Creighton has made to the residential student population. In addition to the student impact, IRHG also worked tirelessly to improve the internal structure of the organization with technology solutions that helped develop the overall efficiency of the organization.

Kiley Nelson, the author of the RHA building block award, said spoke about the experience,

“The bid writing experience gave me the opportunity to reflect on Creighton University IRHG’s accomplishments and hard work. We worked tirelessly over winter break and into the new semester to conceive, write, edit, and review a wholistic bid that outlined our performance. Accepting the award for RHA Building Block of the Year at the conference was a humbling and exciting experience!”

Additionally, in the President’s Boardroom, IRHG President, Trevor J. Sandidge, received the top honor of RHA President of the Year. This award is designed to recognize outstanding service of an RHA president at an affiliated institution who has had a direct and positive impact on their campus, RHA organization, region, and NACURH as a whole.

Trevor J. Sandidge described his experience as humbling.

“I am both very blessed and honored to have won the RHA President of the Year award. This award is the cumulation of many meetings, long nights, and numerous changes we made in IRHG. I’m proud to represent Creighton University and be able to bring this honor to both IRHG and the University.”

Creighton IRHG will travel to Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana this summer to represent Creighton and the Midwest at the National Associate of College and University Residence Halls’ Annual Conference.
