Encuentro Dominicano Program

Encuentro Dominicano is happy to welcome Dr. Lance Frazier, associate professor, Heider College of Business, as the visiting faculty member for the Spring 2018 semester. Dr. Frazier will be teaching Managerial Process and Organizational Behavior (MGT 301) as a three-week intensive course mid-semester in the Dominican Republic. Frazier states, “I am so inspired by Creighton’s presence in the Dominican Republic and the work the students do, to be a part of that in a small way is very exciting.” Dr. Frazier plans to use the unique business culture of the Dominican Republic in his course instruction. “I hope to be able to take the students to workplaces in the Dominican Republic so we can observe and then discuss theories and models of leadership and how they are applicable in the D.R.”, he says. “The compare and contrast elements of this course will be enlightening for the students and for me.”

Encuentro Dominicano welcomes a visiting faculty member every semester and faculty across all colleges are welcome to apply. For more information please visit http://www.creighton.edu/encuentro/forvisitingfaculty/
